Sunday, 8 April 2012
Dangers of Yeast
The Role Several Species of Yeast and Fungi Play in Various Diseases![](
Dr. William Shaw, scientist and founder of The Great Plains
Laboratory, has been studying for decades the microbial ecology of the
GI tract and the role several species of yeast and fungi play in various
diseases, including autism, Attention deficit disorder (ADD), Rett's
syndrome, Ulcerative colitis, Seizures, Depression, Child Psychosis,
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pervasive developmental
disorder, Colitis, Schizophrenia, Migraine headache, Alzheimer's
disease, SLE, Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Tourette's syndrome,
Inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's disease.
Here are some of his findings.
Microbial Ecology of the GI Tract
"The number of microorganisms in the GI tract
approaches the total number of cells in the body. Approximately 500
species of bacteria are present, of which 30-40 species of bacteria
predominate, including several species of yeast and fungi.
The greatest number of species are anaerobic or
facultative anaerobes. Yeast/fungi and Clostridia species are widely
known to accompany the use of broad spectrum antibiotics. Furthermore,
recent research indicates that the growth of certain Candida types is markedly stimulated by antibiotic addition to the culture media.
Books like The Yeast Connection and Yeast Syndrome have spread the knowledge about the health effects of Candida to the general public, but are widely ignored by a large segment of the medical community."
His treatment protocol focuses on prolonged doses of the
antifungal medications, including Nystatin, Lamasil, Sporanox, Nizoral,
Diflucan, Caprylic acid, grapefruit seed extract and garlic extract.
He found that the drugs worked well as long as the patients were
taking them. When the drugs were discontinued, the symptoms would
reoccur. These are his words:
"I have now detected this same phenomenon in
hundreds of other cases. Even after six months of antifungal treatment,
there is often a biochemical "rebound" and loss of improvements after
discontinuing antifungal therapy. This rebound also occurs after other
antifungal drugs as well.
Several explanations are possible for this phenomenon:
Because of one or more defects in the immune system
such as IgA deficiency, IgG deficiency, or severe combined
immunodeficiency disease (SCID) which are found in most children with
autism, the yeast, which are everywhere in our environment including the
food we eat, repopulate the intestinal tract very rapidly.
The yeast are very resistant and have not been completely eliminated even after six months of antifungal therapy.
The yeast have genetically transformed some of the
human cells that line the intestinal tract so that some of the human
cells now contain yeast DNA. These genetically transformed human cells
produce both yeast and human products and are somewhat sensitive to
antifungal drugs but are not killed by them and produce yeast products
whenever antifungal drugs are absent.
Some of the yeast are hidden in recesses of the
intestinal tract or in the deeper layers of the mucosa that lines the
intestine where they are relatively safe from the drug. Although their
numbers are small, they readily repopulate the intestine after
antifungals are stopped.
In addition to the immune system taking inventory
of its own cells, it seems increasingly likely that the immune system
also takes an inventory of bacteria and yeast cells present in the
intestinal tract soon after birth. This inventory is performed by a
group of cells called the CD5+ B-cells, which are among the very first
immunological cells to appear in the developing embryo and appear to
play a role in tolerance to intestinal microorganisms in postnatal life.
These cells may play a role in regulating the secretion of IgA, the
antibody class that is secreted into the intestinal tract and which may
select which microorganisms are tolerated in the intestinal tract.
Furthermore, the eradication of normal flora especially when antibiotics
are administered repetitively during infancy may cause the CD5+ cells
to reject these normal organisms at a later age. Any cells that are on
this early inventory may be awarded immune tolerance and will not be
attacked later on by the immune system. Either antibiotic use in infancy
or yeast infection of the mother during pregnancy may result in later
immune tolerance to yeast.
Not surprisingly, neurofibrillary tangles similar
to those found in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims have also been
reported in the brain of an autistic person at autopsy. It has been
reported that frequent urinary tract infections and high amounts of
circulating immune complexes are associated with more severe Alzheimer
disease. The use of antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections would
of course lead to yeast overgrowth of the gastrointestinal tract.
Elevation of yeast metabolites are found in many of
the same disorders and are even more common in autism, SLE, Alzheimer’s
disease, fibromyalgia, attention deficit hyperactivity, and chronic
fatigue syndrome.
The finding of pentosidine in the neurofibrillary
tangles of Alzheimer’s brains and its absence from normal areas of the
brain may indicate a direct role of a yeast byproduct in accelerating
the normal aging process. Tartaric acid from yeast overgrowth has a
direct toxic effect on muscles and is an inhibitor of a key Krebs cycle
enzyme that supplies raw materials for gluconeogenesis and offers an
explanation for many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
Interestingly, I have found that tartaric acid
and/or other yeast byproducts are also elevated in urine samples of
adults with the disorder fibromyalgia, a debilitating disease associated
with muscle and joint pain, depression, foggy thinking, and chronic
fatigue. (Dr. Kevorkian has assisted in the suicide of two people with
this disorder, which is tragic since a simple antiyeast treatment may
help relieve the symptoms of this disorder.)
Richard Jaeckle, MD, a psychiatrist and allergist
in Dallas, Texas has treated a number of psychotic individuals using
antifungal therapy and finds that psychotic patients with elevated CPK,
uric acid and white cell counts may respond favorably to antifungal
treatment. Patients with psychotic behavior may have gastrointestinal
overgrowth of both yeast and Clostridia."
"The toxic yeast products were just discovered, but
as knowledge of them increases, acceptance of the yeast-related
illnesses will increase.
As the philosopher Schopenhauer said, 'All truth
goes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Then, it is violently
opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident.' Within five years,
people who ignore the importance of yeast-related illness will be in the
same camp with those in the Flat-Earth Society."
While their work is extremely exciting, they do not warn of the
dangers of long term usage of some of these potentially highly toxic
drugs, such as liver damage and/or failure. And even Dr. Shaw concedes
that the yeast overgrowth reoccurs after treatment is stopped.
Below is a letter we received from Dr. Robert DiOrio, a psychologist in Las Vegas, Nevada regarding ThreeLac:
December 19,2004
Dear Mark,
I wanted to let you know that my personal
experience with Three Lac has been excellent. My chronic aches and pains
in the joints, early morning congestion, and general sense of
well-being have improved dramatically.
I have placed several of my depressed patients on
ThreeLac along with a few other vitamin suggestions and the results have
been highly satisfactory. Several of my more complex patients who have
presented with numerous medical issues seem to bail out too soon
believing that the ThreeLac is doing nothing for them. My attempts to
convince them that time on the product is essential have been to no
avail; we live in the age of highly frustrated people who are
desperately seeking the "quick fix". Keep up the good work! Recommending
ThreeLac with the personal experience of good health as a direct result
of ThreeLac is easy to do. Thanks for all your valuable experience and
Sincerely, Robert J. DiOrio, Ph.D.
The Many Symptoms of Yeast/Fungus Infestation
“I would like to expand and strengthen understanding of the
connection between Y/F (Yeast/Fungus) overgrowth, mycotoxins and
so-called diseases. This connection usually involves vicious circles,
wherein Y/F will take advantage of an unbalanced terrain, but will also
compromise the terrain. As they do so, “host” resistance is decreased,
and the poisons result in a host of physical and mental conditions. The
following section relates Y/F and digestive imbalance to disease
symptoms. These symptoms are often interrelated in a complex way, are
usually chronic, and include, but are not limited to:
Allergy – food and environmental. As we’ve seen, the blood can be
overwhelmed by fungus and poisons, severely stressing the immune
system. In addition, digestive difficulties often prevent the proper
breakdown of protein. Partially digested proteins (not usable by the
body) can still be absorbed into the blood, especially when a leaky gut
exists. In this form they serve no purpose other than feeding bacteria
and Y/F feed on (putrefy and ferment) undigested proteins, they produce
several toxins, including uric acid. These can be absorbed into the
blood, or be produced in the blood by Y/F, which also activates an
immune response.
Since this combination of poor protein digestion with Y/F and
their mycotoxins is frequent or ongoing, our janitorial service is
constantly irritated, overworked and on edge. Imagine yourself trying
constantly to clean house as filth is being tossed in through the
windows. These irritations may result in chemical or nutritional
sensitivities – allergic reactions to other substances, which are called
allergens. Allergens may be other foods, airborne matter or chemicals.
An immediate or slightly delayed chemical chain reaction creates the
various allergic responses we see (but there are some not commonly
recognized, such as addictions). The allergy-causing food or airborne
allergen does not cause the allergy directly, but only triggers it
because immune processes are already compromised. That is, there is a
threshold situation: the level of filth, toxicity or acidity has reached
a point where the allergen instigates the reaction; but it does not
cause the allergic condition.
The irritation/inflammation reaction produced (appearing as
allergic symptoms) is a means of dealing with acid toxins. Sometimes the
body will use sudden and drastic means in a cleansing reaction that is
misinterpreted as an allergy if a beneficial, cleansing substance is
taken, such as wheat grass. Soreness, swelling, tearing eyes, runny
nose, eczema, etc., are all ways of eliminating acid toxins. Thus, Y/F,
whose poisons are acid, may contribute significantly to your hay fever
and sneezing. Once the process is under way, the number of offending
substances can keep increasing until many individuals become so
sensitive to the everyday environment that they must live in isolation
or move to another climate. If you had no symptogenic Y/F, it would be
impossible for you to have allergies.
Environmental hypersensitivity is another common complaint,
closely related to allergy and immune function. Such things as smoke and
auto exhaust, fumes in the home from carpet, fabrics, walls and natural
gas leaks, can cause extreme adverse reactions. Environmental toxins
stress and suppress the immune system, poison the cells, and promote the
upward development of Y/F. Encouraged to grow in a terrain compromised
by environmental toxins, Y/F weaken the entire body, making it more
susceptible to the influence of environmental toxins: vicious circle.
Symptoms are most dramatic when fungus, in the form of its tiny
filaments (mycelia), infiltrates the heart, lungs, and sinus membranes.
Serious tissue congestion and inflammation are the result. An autopsy
performed on one woman who died of heart failure showed that her heart
was encased in a fungal overgrowth!
Fatigue may have a slight edge on allergy as the most common
symptom of bacterial and Y/F infestation. It can be especially
pronounced after a night’s rest, after eating, and in the middle of the
afternoon. Y/F infestation unbalances the process that controls the
water and mineral content (electrolyte balance) of cells. Since this
balance is necessary for cell activity, normal flow of energy is
As with allergy, disrupted digestion plays a major role in
fatigue. If you cannot digest and assimilate food, the tissues will
eventually starve, making you feel sick and tired. Acetaldehyde and
other mycotoxins reduce the absorption of protein and minerals, which
decrease the ability to produce enzymes and hormones. To make matters
worse, the Y/F overgrowth is swapping its wastes for your hormones,
blood sugar and other nutrients. Consequently, you are always hungry
and/or have rapid drops in blood sugar (glucose) levels. Such disruption
interferes with cell replacement and with substances necessary for
energy production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, and weakness.
Thus, Y/F are the major players in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the
so-called Epstein-Barr “nonvirus.” This syndrome may also involve damage
to nerve transmission by toxic breakdown of neurotransmitters by
The vicious circle is that low energy levels will encourage yet a
further overgrowth of Y/F. This is why a whole food diet, combined with
taking vitamins, minerals, and protein supplements, makes most people
feel so much better.
Neurological imbalance is a symptom of Y/F and is occurring in
epidemic proportions. Mycotoxins interfere with the production of
coenzyme A. Coenzymes combine with other compounds to produce complete
enzymes. As noted, enzymes assist almost all body processes, including
those of the brain and nervous system. When coenzyme A decreases,
conditions like depression, anxiety, and PMS symptoms are often
worsened, without apparent cause. The mycotoxin acetaldehyde is
continually produced by YF and converted by the liver to alcohol. Some
people who appear to have been drinking are actually showing the effects
of Y/F and its alcohol by-product.
Common symptoms are in many cases simply the result of being
poisoned: paranoia, not being in total control of one’s actions, knowing
the right thing to do but being unable to do it, mental incompetence,
and a variety of other behavioral disturbances (emotional and
psychological). Other possible symptoms are panic attacks, feelings of
anxiety, depression, irritability, and headaches. Hypochondriac-type
reactions causing neurotic behavior and emotional instability are also
How many people have spent fruitless, long periods of time in
therapy trying to come to psychological grips with an imbalance in the
brain and central nervous system created by toxicity? Given the enormous
extent to which Y/F infestation has overtaken our population, it
boggles the mind. Of course, the really tough cases get Prozac or
something worse, on top of it. I’m not saying psychological problems
don’t exist, but wouldn’t it seem wise to put the important Y/F variable
into the equation? Or would this threaten the coffers of a most
lucrative component of the pharmaceutical/medical complex?
How difficult is it to imagine that a lot of serious crime arises
from mycotoxicity? A person may be very aware of their behavior, be
miserable for it, yet, still be unable to realize how they lose control.
Thus, our sometimes harsh, self-righteous attitude toward violent
criminals may not always be appropriate. Think of the benefit to society
of generating mental health through the simple process of balancing our
inner terrain!
Additional neurological fallout from Y/F includes ailments such
as mood swings, headaches, migraines, that fogged-in-feeling, inability
to concentrate, poor memory, confusion, dizziness, and even MS-like
symptoms such as slurred speech and muscular incoordination.
Hormone Imbalance and Yeast Infections
A woman who had been helped with her hormone imbalance symptoms
by using natural progesterone cream told me she seemed to be having a
relapse of her acne. I began reading a book by William Crook, M.D., THE
YEAST CONNECTION AND THE WOMAN, and was fascinated, by what I read.
I learned first of all that many of the symptoms of hormone
imbalance are the very same symptoms that have been identified as caused
by yeast organisms -- specifically Candida albicans. There has
been research into this ailment in recent years, but as with hormone
imbalance, many in the medical profession are uninterested in checking
out causes for common illnesses. They choose to treat symptoms, instead.
Yeast infections get a foothold in the body when antibiotics are
used which kill not only bad bacteria, but also kill the “friendly”
bacteria in our system which keep yeasts at a manageable level for our
immune system. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are the biggest culprits.
These include tetracycline,ampicillin, amoxicillin, septra, and other
medications commonly used for ear infections, sore throats, bladder
infections, or acne.
Of particular interest to me was the section that taught that if
yeast is the problem, using progesterone, even natural progesterone, can
cause hormone imbalance symptoms to become worse! This, I believe, is
very important information to add to any study of the use of natural
progesterone. The reason for the worsening of symptoms is because
progesterone has an influence on yeast growth. All this has something to
do with hormone and acidity levels at the time of month when a woman is
Since yeast overgrowth is a problem in men, children, and babies,
as well as in women, --- a closer look at this problem needs to be
taken. While the use of broad spectrum antibiotics is definitely a
factor in yeast overgrowth, the use of foods containing sugar also play a
part in this illness.
There is help for anyone of any age who is suffering from an
illness stemming from yeast overgrowth. This help is the use of a diet
free from sugar and if one must use antibiotics for a bacterial
infection,-- acidophilus, yogurt, or something else must be taken to
restore the “friendly” bacteria in the intestinal tract, and stop the
overgrowth of yeast in the body.
When this yeast-fungus passes through the wall of the intestine
into the bloodstream, and is carried throughout the body, many systems
become involved, including the brain. Irritability, anger,
forgetfulness, depression, lack of interest in sex, and many other
problems controlled by the brain begin to show up. Yeast overgrowth also
damages the immune system, paving the way for many illnesses!!
When intercourse is painful, there is an inability to achieve
orgasm, or a lack of interest in sex, yeast overgrowth should be
suspected. When either a husband or wife is treated for yeast
overgrowth, the other mate should be treated also, as yeast infections
are passed back and forth between sexual partners. Often the husband has
no visible symptoms.
Older women who have not used antibiotics for infections except
occasionally, are not bothered with vaginal yeast infections nearly as
often as the younger generation who have been given antibiotics for
illnesses from babyhood on. When a woman gets a yeast infection, usually
only the local area is treated. Many doctors don’t seem to realize that
the infection is probably caused by an overgrowth of yeast throughout
the system.
When a body’s immune system has been weakened by an overgrowth of
yeast-fungus, it cannot adequately cope with either bacterial
infections, viral infections, more fungus, or stress of any kind. The
brain may be the first thing to react. It may shut down breathing, or
cause impaired thinking. Hyperactivity is often the first thing noticed
in children who are experiencing allergy problems. A stuffy or runny
nose may be the body saying it has an overload of things. It cannot
handle any more.
When a baby has recurring diaper rash or ear infections, suspect
yeast. A baby can contract a yeast infection as it passes through the
birth canal of an infected mother.
When a child is diagnosed with attention deficit disorder or
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, always check the possibility
of yeast before using a drug, such as Ritalin, with it’s many side
Considering all the many illnesses, some very serious, caused by
yeast and fungus overgrowth in the human body, it seems that this
illness should be given more attention by the medical profession.
Perhaps I should say that we, the patient, should be more alert, and
give more attention to the symptoms of yeast overgrowth.
Illnesses Caused or Made Worse by Yeast Overgrowth
immune system dysfunction, adrenal dysfunction, HORMONE
IMBALANCE, digestive tract problems, thrush, diarrhea and constipation,
colitis, abdominal pain, heartburn, canker sores, bloating, belching,
flatulence, bad breath, dry mouth and throat, throat infections, food
allergies, sugar cravings, crohn’s disease, psoriasis, rashes, hives,
eczema, acne, asthma, allergic to smoke, sensitivity to odors,
sensitivity to chemicals, sinus infections, ear infections, itching or
pain in ears, headaches, night cough, nasal congestion or itching,
muscle pain or weakness, joint pain, insomnia, low body temperature,
athletes foot, tightness in chest, shortness of breath, attention
deficit disorder, adult attention deficit disorder, hyperactive,
persistent drowsiness, eye and visual problems, mood swings, lack of
coordination, loss of balance, nymphomania, endometriosis, vaginal yeast
infections, vulvodynia (burning vulva), sexual dysfunction,
infertility, inability to reach orgasm, painful intercourse, disinterest
in sex, vulvovaginitis, menstrual cramps, galactorrhea, impotence, jock
itch, balanoprosthitis, prostatitis, urinary frequency, kidney and
bladder infections, cystitis, hemorrhoids, depression, poor
concentration, forgetfulness, anger, irritability, manic depression,
meningitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, autism, multiple
sclerosis, lupus, diabetes, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid
arthritis, vitamin and mineral deficiency, PMS, numbness or tingling in
hands or feet, swelling in hands, feet, or face.
Candida – An M.D.’s Perspective![](
Yeast overgrowth affects 80% of American Women.
Somewhere between putting out the recycling and setting the
dinner table, it hits: a feeling of desperate tiredness. But, of course,
a nap is the one “to-do” that never finds a spot on your already-long
list. So, if you’re like 80 percent of women, you reach for a sugary
snack to give you the energy required to power through your day.
Far from being the solution to tiredness, however, those sugar
fuel-ups are a top cause of fatigue and cravings, not to mention
recurrent vaginal yeast infections, gastrointestinal distress, body-wide
aches, blue moods and even severe PMS or menopausal symptoms, cautions
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., medical health advisor to The Yeast Connection
(founded by William Crook, M.D. and author of The Yeast Connection).
The reason: High-sugar foods – as well as seemingly “healthy” foods like
yogurt and high-fiber cereals that contain high-fructose corn syrup –
create an acidic internal environment that allows candida yeast to
How yeast overgrowth sabotages health
“When yeast are growing out of control, they literally poke holes
in the gut lining and secrete at least 79 toxic by-products into the
bloodstream that can tax the immune system, trigger internal
inflammation and cause a host of health concerns,” explains Dr. Dean.
And excess yeast drags women into a vicious health-sapping cycle. “Yeast
need sugar to create their preferred acidic environment, so they thrive
by releasing chemicals that trick the body into thinking blood sugar is
low,” says Dr. Dean. “This results in intense cravings for
Complicating matters for sufferers: “Mainstream medical schools
teach doctors that yeast either manifests as a vaginal infection or a
very serious blood infection – the chronic condition of yeast overgrowth
that starts in the gut just doesn’t exist to the medical
establishment,” maintains Dr. Dean. “As a result, women can endure a
lifetime of misdiagnoses like irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia.
And many women are simply told their symptoms are all in their head.”
Probiotics can be a cure
Eating yogurt can build up internal stores of probiotics,
beneficial bacteria that eliminate overgrowth by producing yeast-killing
hydrogen peroxide. What’s more, probiotics literally plug the holes
that yeast create in the gut lining to prevent symptom-triggering toxins
from leaking into the bloodstream. But when it comes to using yogurt as
an Rx, caution is in order: Many popular brands contain sugar or
high-fructose corn syrup, both of which serve as food for yeast to
thrive on, says Dr. Dean. To truly get the probiotic benefit of yogurt,
opt for the plain unsweetened kind (which can be sweetened with fresh
fruit). According to research in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, enjoying at least one cup a day can sometimes restore
probiotic levels in two weeks. Or, for even faster relief, consider
taking a probiotic supplement, since yogurt generally only provides 2 to
10 million live bacteria and probiotic supplements provide many times
more than yogurt.
How To Help Menstrual Cramps With Hydrotherapy Menstrual cramps are a natural part of every woman’s life. Every month, a few days remain very painful and distressing for women. Menstrual cramps can be treated with many natural methods. Hydrotherapy is one of the many successful methods that can be used for treating menstrual cramps to obtain great relief. Hydrotherapy employs the use of water for treating pain.Water can be used in its various forms like steam, ice, hot or cold water etc. to relieve the symptoms naturally. Hydrotherapy can be done by anyone and in the comfort of your home. All you need is water and hence it is a safe and easy to use as well. How To Help Menstrual Cramps With Hydrotherapy. Warm Compress
Application of warm compress on the abdominal region helps in alleviating menstrual cramps. For applying warm compress, take a bowl of hot water and add a few drops of essential oils like marjoram oil, ginger extract or lavender oil to the hot water or on the cloth which is used for the hot compress.
How To Help Menstrual Cramps With Hydrotherapy Menstrual cramps are a natural part of every woman’s life. Every month, a few days remain very painful and distressing for women. Menstrual cramps can be treated with many natural methods. Hydrotherapy is one of the many successful methods that can be used for treating menstrual cramps to obtain great relief. Hydrotherapy employs the use of water for treating pain.Water can be used in its various forms like steam, ice, hot or cold water etc. to relieve the symptoms naturally. Hydrotherapy can be done by anyone and in the comfort of your home. All you need is water and hence it is a safe and easy to use as well. How To Help Menstrual Cramps With Hydrotherapy. Warm Compress
Application of warm compress on the abdominal region helps in alleviating menstrual cramps. For applying warm compress, take a bowl of hot water and add a few drops of essential oils like marjoram oil, ginger extract or lavender oil to the hot water or on the cloth which is used for the hot compress.
Dip the cloth and wring dry. Apply on the abdominal region. Continue application for 15 -20 minutes
until your cramps are greatly relieved. The hot steam that gets
absorbed through the skin will relax your muscles and relieve the pain
as well. You can also use warm and cold compress alternatively for treating menstrual cramps.
Hot Shower
cramps that are located at the back benefit greatly by taking a hot
shower, especially before going to sleep. This will improve your sleep
and also relieve the menstrual cramps
as a result of hot water flowing over the sore areas of your body. The
pressure of the water falling on the back and the heat combined together
will help in relieving cramps effectively.
Warm Bath
Warm bath too helps in easing menstrual cramps. Adding a few drops of essential oil of your choice helps in increasing the overall effect of your healing.
is important to avoid tub baths and bubble baths in hot water during
menstruation as it can lead to an imbalance in the natural good bacteria
in the vagina, leading to other problems like yeast infections.
Hot Water Bags
A simple remedy that can keep your cramps
under control all throughout the day and night is to use hot water bags
or bottles to apply heat on the abdominal area and lower back where it
hurts most. This will reduce the intensity of the cramps greatly by relieving muscle tension.
Hydrotherapy is in any way better than the use of electric heat pads which are used for application of heat on the abdominal area. Electromagnetic heating pads release electromagnetic radiation with every use which is not good for health in the long run.
is very safe and easy to be administered in any of the above mentioned
forms. It also prevents side effects like the ones caused with the
prolonged use of pain medications.
Hydrotherapy can be used for as many times as you want and for prolonged periods without any fear of complications in health
Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of disease. Hydrothermal therapy
additionally uses its temperature effects, as in hot baths, saunas, wraps, etc.
Historical Perspective
Hydro- and hydrothermal therapy are traditional methods of treatment that have
been used for the treatment of disease and injury by many cultures, including those of
ancient Rome, China, and Japan. Water therapy has been around for centuries. The ancient
Greeks took therapeutic baths. Water is an important ingredient in the traditional Chinese
and Native American healing systems.
A Bavarian monk, Father Sebastian Kneipp helped re-popularize the therapeutic use of water in the 19th century. There are now many dozens of methods of applying hydrotherapy, including baths, saunas, douches, wraps, and packs.
A Bavarian monk, Father Sebastian Kneipp helped re-popularize the therapeutic use of water in the 19th century. There are now many dozens of methods of applying hydrotherapy, including baths, saunas, douches, wraps, and packs.
How it works
The recuperative and healing properties of hydrotherapy are based on its mechanical
and/or thermal effects. It exploits the body's reaction to hot and cold stimuli, to the
protracted application of heat, to pressure exerted by the water and to the sensation it
gives. The nerves carry impulses felt at the skin deeper into the body, where they are
instrumental in stimulating the immune system, influencing the production of stress
hormones, invigorating the circulation and digestion, encouraging blood flow, and
lessening pain sensitivity.
Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, slowing down the activity of internal organs. Cold, in contrast, stimulates and invigorates, increasing internal activity. If you are experiencing tense muscles and anxiety from your stress, a hot shower or bath is in order. If you are feeling tired and stressed out, you might want to try taking a warm shower or bath followed by a short, invigorating cold shower to help stimulate your body and mind.
When you submerge yourself in a bath, a pool, or a whirlpool, you experience a kind of weightlessness. Your body is relieved from the constant pull of gravity. Water also has a hydrostatic effect. It has a massage-like feeling as the water gently kneads your body. Water, in motion, stimulates touch receptors on the skin, boosting blood circulation and releasing tight muscles.
Generally, heat quiets and soothes the body, slowing down the activity of internal organs. Cold, in contrast, stimulates and invigorates, increasing internal activity. If you are experiencing tense muscles and anxiety from your stress, a hot shower or bath is in order. If you are feeling tired and stressed out, you might want to try taking a warm shower or bath followed by a short, invigorating cold shower to help stimulate your body and mind.
When you submerge yourself in a bath, a pool, or a whirlpool, you experience a kind of weightlessness. Your body is relieved from the constant pull of gravity. Water also has a hydrostatic effect. It has a massage-like feeling as the water gently kneads your body. Water, in motion, stimulates touch receptors on the skin, boosting blood circulation and releasing tight muscles.
Hydrotherapy and hydrothermal therapy are chiefly used to tone up
the body, to stimulate digestion, the circulation, and the immune system, and to bring
relief from pain. Description of indications are given under individual method used.
Water seems to have special powers in getting rid of stress and rejuvenating our body.
It affects the skin and muscles. It calms the lungs, heart, stomach, and endocrine system
by stimulating nerve reflexes on the spinal cord.
Proof it works
Various case reports, observational studies, and a number of controlled studies provide
some evidence of success in the use of hydrotherapy.
In a study of 40 persons at University of Minnesota, 85% of the participants preferred a whirlpool bath to a still bath. Only whirlpool was effective in reducing the participants' reactivity to stress although both still and whirlpool baths were effective in reducing anxiety.
In a study of 40 persons at University of Minnesota, 85% of the participants preferred a whirlpool bath to a still bath. Only whirlpool was effective in reducing the participants' reactivity to stress although both still and whirlpool baths were effective in reducing anxiety.
Risks, Cautions, and Contraindications
Please see under individual techniques for warnings and caution for the use and follow
Persons with impaired temperature sensation run the risk of scalding or frostbite at temperature extremes.
When a condition is recurrent or persistent, please consult your physician to determine whether a physical therapy of this type is suitable in your case.
Persons with impaired temperature sensation run the risk of scalding or frostbite at temperature extremes.
When a condition is recurrent or persistent, please consult your physician to determine whether a physical therapy of this type is suitable in your case.
- If you have diabetes, avoid hot application to the feet or legs. Also avoid full body heating treatments, such as body wraps.
- Avoid cold application if you are diagnosed with Raynaud's disease.
- Hot immersion baths and long, hot saunas are not recommended for those with diabetes or multiple sclerosis, women who are pregnant or anyone with abnormally high or low blood pressure.
- Don't take cold foot baths if you are prone to bladder or rectal irritation. People suffering from sciatica, pelvic inflammation or rheumatism in the toes or ankles should avoid cold foot baths.
- Elderly people and young children may be exhausted by too much heat and should avoid long full-body hot treatments such as immersion baths and saunas.
- If you are pregnant or have heart disease, consult a doctor before taking a sauna.
Common techniques
A number of techniques are available under the general
heading of hydrotherapy. These include: baths and showers, neutral baths, sitz baths,
contrast sitz baths, foot baths, cold mitten friction rub, steam inhalation, hot
compresses, cold compresses, alternating hot and cold compresses, heating compresses, body
wrap, wet sheet pack, and salt glow.
Cold rubbings
Soak a linen cloth in cold water, wring out and briskly rub the upper and lower trunk,
or the entire body. Go to bed until warm and dry. Indications:
For invigoration, to tone up the body, to promote blood flow, for use in problems of
circulation, or infections of the respiratory system.
Gentle douches can be carried out with a watering can or hose. The water should not
splash, but gently envelop the skin. The water stream should always be directed from the
periphery toward the heart. After douching, stroke off excess water, dress, and exercise.
There are various types of douche: - Knee douche. The water stream is directed from the right small toe, along the outside of the lower leg to the hollow of the knee, then back along the inside and over the sole of the foot. The process is then repeated for the left leg. Useful for headaches and migraines, low blood pressure, sleeplessness, contusions, and varicose veins. This treatment influences the digestive and reproductive organs and can help ward off vascular damage. Do not use for urinary tract infections, irritable bladder, sciatica, or during menstruation.
- Thigh douche. The procedure is as for a knee douche, but includes the upper thigh. It can stimulate blood flow and help improve poor circulation. Useful for the treatment of varicose veins, muscular rheumatism, crural paralysis, coxarthritis. Do not use for urinary tract infection, irritable bladder, sciatica, or during menstruation.
- Lower trunk douche. The procedure is as for the thigh douche, but including the lower trunk. Useful for diabetes mellitus, meteorism, enlargement of the liver, enlargement of the gallbladder, stone formation. Do not use for urinary tract infections, irritable bladder, sciatica, or during menstruation.
- Arm douche. Direct the water stream from the outside of the right hand to the shoulder, then back on the inside of the arm. Repeat the process for the left arm. Useful for cold hands, nervous disorders, neuralgia and paralysis, rheumatism of the arms, heart problems, vertigo, headaches, catarrh in the nose and throat.
- Chest douche. Douche the arms first. Useful for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma, angina pectoris. Caution: Moderate the temperature if there is risk of angiospasm.
- Upper trunk douche. This involves the upper torso and arms. It can be used to improve blood flow to the lungs, heart, and pleura. Useful for the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, disease of the larynx and vocal cords, headaches, nervous excitability, varicose veins of the legs, for toning-up, and for stimulating cardiac and respiratory activity. Caution: Do not use if there is blood stasis in the pulmonary circulation.
- Back douche. Useful for the treatment of weakened back muscles, back pain, spinal disease, multiple sclerosis, bronchial asthma, nearly all diseases of the lung. Warning: Do not use in debilitated patients or those with neurasthenia.
- Neck douche. Useful for headaches, migraines, tenseness in the shoulder and neck, hypersensitivity to changes in the weather, mild depression, tinnitus, vertigo, arthrosis of the hand and finger joints. Warning: Not to be used in persons with high blood pressure, enlargement of the thyroid, or raised intraocular pressure.
- Face douche. Proceed from the right temple downward to the chin, upward to the left temple, from right to left over the forehead, and repeatedly from the forehead to the chin, then in circles over the face. This is useful for relieving headaches and migraines, trigeminal neuralgia, toothaches, for relaxing tired eyes. Caution: Keep the eyes closed.
Sauna and Steam Baths
Saunas and steam baths are similar in effect; the decision to take one rather than the
other will be guided by personal preference. In a sauna the heat acts more quickly to
eliminate toxins through the skin, though some consider the moist air of a steam
bath to
have a more satisfying effect on the respiratory system. Saunas are deeply relaxing and
are a great way to melt away stress. A sauna is an eliminative procedure; it stimulates blood flow, increases the heart rate, has an immune-modulating effect, promotes hormone production, encourages mucosal secretions in the respiratory system, opens the airways, reduces resistance to respiration, regulates the vegetative system, relaxes, and can improve mental outlook. Children can start to take saunas at two or three years of age.
Indications: For "toning-up," for health promotion, as a way of treating pain caused by pulled back muscles, chronic rheumatoid arthritis, bronchial asthma, unstable hypertension (stages I and 11), severely disturbed peripheral blood circulation.
Warnings: Saunas should not be taken by persons with acute rheumatoid arthritis, acute infection, active tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, acute mental disorder, inflammation of an inner organ or blood vessels, significant vascular changes in the brain or heart, circulatory problems or acute cancer.
Do not spend more than 15 to 20 minutes at a time in a sauna. Wipe your face frequently with a cold cloth to avoid overheating.
Full and partial immersion baths
Various substances can be added to warm and rising temperature baths. See herbal baths
below. The following are the different kinds of bath used: Rising temperature hip bath. This is taken in a tub filled with a hand's breadth of tepid water. Hot water is then gradually added until the level reaches the navel. The final temperature should be 103-104'F. Following this procedure, the patient is wrapped warm and proceeds to bed. It should last 15-30 minutes, not more than three times per week.
Indications: incipient and abating common colds, back pain (sciatica).
Warning: to be used with caution by persons with heart or circulation problems, hemorrhoids, or varicose veins.
Cold foot bath. The feet are placed into a foot bath filled to calf depth with cold water. Stop when a cold stimulus is felt or when the water is no longer perceived as being particularly cold. Stroke off excess water, dress, and walk or run until dry. A special form of this treatment is "walking in water," which involves walking stork-like on a non-slip mat placed under the water.
Indications: Varicose veins, susceptibility to edemas, headaches, low blood pressure, circulatory problems, sleeplessness, proneness to the common cold, sweaty feet, or a contused ankle.
Warning: This type of treatment is best avoided by people who suffer from cold feet, very high blood pressure, an irritable bladder, urinary tract infection, diabetes, or vascular occlusion.
Rising temperature foot bath, warm foot bath. The feet are immersed in a foot bath filled with water at body temperature. Hot water is gradually added to give a final temperature of 103-104'F. In warm foot baths water of this temperature is added straight away. Keep warm afterwards. The procedure should last 10-15 minutes and can be done daily.
Indications: Cold feet, start of a common cold, for relaxation.
Warning: Best avoided by people with varicose veins, lymphostasis, or edema.
Cold arm bath. A basin is filled with cold water until it reaches a depth several inches above the immersed elbow. If the treatment becomes intolerable, stop and repeat as desired.
Indications: Headaches, sleeplessness.
Warning: Best avoided by people with heart or circulatory problems.
Rising temperature arm bath. In principle, this is the same as the rising temperature foot bath. It should be followed by a cold arm douche, then by half an hour's rest.
Indications: Bronchitis, asthma, incipient respiratory infection, circulatory problems, angina pectoris.
Sitz bath. This is generally taken in a hip bath as a cold, rising temperature, or warm sitz bath. Prior to a sitz bath, warm the feet, e.g. through a warm foot bath. Parts of the body not immersed in water should be covered. Cold sitz baths may help men increase their sperm counts. Alternating hot and cold sitz baths can improve pelvic circulation in both sexes.
Indications: Cold sitz bath for hemorrhoids or inflammation of the anus; warm or rising temperature sitz bath for difficulty in voiding the bladder, an irritable bladder, inflammation or infection of the prostate, preparation for pregnancy.
Warning: Do not use warm or rising temperature sitz baths for hemorrhoids.
A wrap is primarily used as a supportive measure for treating fever and local
inflammation. The person receiving treatment should first adopt a relaxed position. Then a
linen cloth is moistened with cold water (warm water for respiratory diseases), well wrung
out, and then wrapped tightly around the appropriate part of the body, but not so tightly
as to cause constriction. The moist linen cloth is in turn wrapped with a dry cotton or
linen cloth. The patient is then usually wrapped in a blanket or another cloth, and should
rest for 45-60 minutes or, if the intention is to induce sweating, for up to three hours. If the wrap is not felt to be warm after a quarter of an hour, heat should be applied in the form of a hot water bottle or by giving warm tea. The wrap should be removed immediately if the person complains of feeling unwell.
- Neck wrap: sore throat
- Chest wrap: bronchitis, lung disease, neuralgia
- Body wrap (between costal arch and pubic bone): inflammatory disease of the upper abdomen, gastric and duodenal ulcers, cramps, sleeplessness, fever
- Trunk wrap (between pubic bone and armpits): high fever
- Hip wrap (with gap between the legs): prostatitis, vaginitis, hemorrhoids, anal eczema, inflammation in the pelvic cavity
- Calf wrap (between foot and knee): lymphostasis, edema, for withdrawing heat in fever and phlebitis; in varicose veins the effect can sometimes be amplified through the use of healing earth or loam poultices Joint wraps: rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis
Warm packs. A wrapping cloth is soaked in a hot infusion or decoction of herbs, then wrung out and applied to the patient's body. Alternatively, the wrap may receive a coating of hot mud mustard flour, or fango. As a further alternative, hayseed may be placed in a sack and steamed.
Indications: Painful chronic diseases such as arthrosis, renal disease, or cystitis, and for stimulating blood flow.
Warning: Always check that the temperature is tolerable before applying a wrap.
Cold packs. Cooled cataplasm is spread onto the wrapping cloth and placed on the part of the body. Crushed ice in a plastic bag may also be repeatedly applied for one minute, then removed for four.
Indications: Various inflammatory arthropathies, sprains and strains, pleurisy. Ice packs can also be used for headaches.
Warning: When using ice packs, place a thin cloth between the pack and the skin to prevent frostbite.
Herbal baths can be particularly soothing when you are experiencing a period of stress. There
are several ways to prepare an herbal bath:
1. Simmer 1/2 cup of herbs in 1 quart of water in a covered pot for fifteen minutes.
While the herbs are simmering, take a short shower to cleanse your body, then fill the tub
with hot or warm water. Strain the liquid from the decoction into the bath water, and wrap
the herbs in a washcloth. Soak in the tub for at least twenty minutes, using the
"herbal washcloth" to rub over your body. -2. Add 1/2 cup of herbs to running bath water, preferably hot. You might want to cover the drain with a thin mesh screen to prevent the herbs from clogging the pipes. Soak in the tub for twenty to thirty minutes.
3. Fill a thin cloth bag with 1/2 cup of herbs, either placing it in the bath water or tying it to the spigot so that the hot water runs through it as it fills the tub. Again, soak for twenty to thirty minutes.
Certain herbs are quite effective for creating soothing baths. Combine a handful each of valerian, lavender, linden, chamomile, hops, and burdock root, and add it to your bath according to one of the preceding methods. Soak for thirty minutes in the tub. Another soothing herbal bath calls for a handful each of hops, linden, valerian, chamomile, yarrow, and passionflower. Prepare this bath according to one of the preceding methods, or simmer the herbs in a quart of water, then drink 1/2cup of the liquid (with lemon and honey added, if you wish) and pour the rest in the tub. While soaking in an herbal bath, you can read, meditate, listen to peaceful music, or just sit quietly, concentrating on relaxing yourself.
Importance of Drinking Sufficient Water
It is very important that we drink sufficient amount of water in a day to make up for
the water lost. The benefits of drinking water is widely recognized. Drinking pure, fresh
water is essential to our health and well-being. Our need for water increases as we grow older. As we age, our skin and mucus membranes become thinner and lose more water, and our kidneys function less efficiently. So our need for water increases. You may not feel thirsty. But you should get into the habit of drinking water, nevertheless.
Follow these steps for an Effective
- For overall tension reduction, use a neutral bath (temperature between 92 to 94 degree F) that is close to the skin temperature.
- Use water temperature between 102 to 106 degree F for loosening tight, tense muscles and reducing the pain of stress-related conditions such as backache. (Using temperatures higher than 106 degrees is not recommended as it can raise your body temperature very fast, inducing an artificial fever.)
- Take a cold shower after you step out of the bath. This brings and immediate rush of blood through your system, as well as a rush of energy. (Try alternating cold and hot shower to get a similar effect. 3 minutes of hot water followed by 30 seconds of cold water and the 3 minutes of hot water, etc.)
- Stay in the bath no more than 15 to 20 minutes. If you have high blood pressure or cardiovascular problems, don't stay long enough to raise your body temperature.
- Evening is the best time to soak in water. A study conducted in England found that people who took a soaking bath before going to bed slept more readily and deeply.
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